High-Order NOnlinear numerical Methods for evolutionary PDEs: theory and applications

8-13 September 2024, KAM Conference Center
Chania, Crete Island, Greece


Welcome to HONOM2024!

We are pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on high-order nonlinear numerical methods for evolutionary PDEs. The aim of this conference is to present new research on advanced mathematical models and advanced numerical algorithms for the robust and effective solution of evolutionary PDEs of interest in a wide range of physical relevant situations as computational fluid and solid mechanics, oceanography, plasma physics, material science, mathematical biology and computational astrophysics.


Design of novel algorithms; analysis and applications of non-linear schemes of accuracy greater than two, which follows the finite difference, finite volume, finite element or residual distribution approaches; structure preserving numerical methods and PDE models; methods for unsteady problems, multiphase flows, plasma physics, general relativity, multi-physics applications, biomedical research; mesh generation, motion and adaptation; ... and related topics ...


At the KAM Conference Center hosted in the historical Megalo Arsenali, in front of the sea in the picturesque town of Chania, western part of Crete island in Greece


8-13 September 2024


Everything started in Trento (Italy) in 2005: the event was promoted by R. Abgrall, M. Dumbser, C.-D. Munz and E.F. Toro and it was reproposed there in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2015. Then, HONOM has been organized in Bordeaux (France) in 2013, Stuttgart (Germany) in 2017, Madrid (Spain) in 2019 and Braha (Portugal) in 2022.

Main Event Venue

The KAM Conference Center hosted in the historical Megalo Arsenali, in front of the sea in the picturesque town of Chania.
Western part of the island of Crete in Greece.

The exact address of the conference center is Ακτή Ενώσεως, Πλατεια Γεωργιου Κατεχακη, Chania 73132, Greece.
And the "plus address" is: G299+CW Chania, Greece.

HONOM conference will take place in the following locations:

      • On Sunday 08 (19:00-22:00), Welcome reception:
        Chania Sailing Club Neorio Moro (G29F+Q8 Chania, Greece), on the port, 500 meters from the main event venue
      • Monday 09 - Friday 13, Conference Room: KAM:
        main event venue, the KAM Conference Center in the Megalo Arsenali (G299+CW Chania, Greece)
      • Monday 09 - Wednesday 11, Conference Room: MIKIS :
        Mikis Theodorakis Theatre (G29C+75 Chania, Greece), on the other side of the square with respect to the main event venue
      • Tuesday 10 (18:00-21:00), Poster Party :
        main event venue, the KAM Conference Center in the Megalo Arsenali (G299+CW Chania, Greece)
      • Thursday 12, Conference dinner:
        • 19:15--19:20: Buses will leave from the city center, opposide side of the street w.r.t. Bank of Chania. Google maps link: here
        • 20:00--23:00: Nykterida Restaurant Bar (G38G+PJ Kounoupidiana, Greece), 25 minutes by bus from the main event venue

Conference Program

The conference is organized around contributed talks, contributed posters and invited keynote speakers.
Keynote talks are plenary, contributed talks may be plenary or divided in at most 2 parallel sections.

Talk and poster information

      • Keynote invited seminars: 50 minutes included questions (ideally 45+5)
      • Contributed talks: 25 minutes included questions (ideally 20+5)
      • Posters: expected maximum size ISO 216 A0 preferably with vertical orientation

Program and book of abstracts

      • Program at a glance: Download it here
      • Daily program : Download it here
      • Program: Download it here
      • Book of abstracts: Download it here


      • Poster: Download it here
      • Logos: detailed one here & simple one here

Special issue:

There will be a HONOM special issue on Computer and Fluids.
Article submission will open in September 2024 for 4 months.

Our touristic advices

We suggest here our favorite locations in the occidental part of Crete with a few comments

By walking :

One day trip (for going by bus see the pdf):

      • Lagoon of Balos (light-blue-green see, fantastic colors!!!): go by (big) boats from Kissamos port (reserve boat tickets at least the day before)
      • Elafonissi (light-blue-green see, fantastic colors!!!, no bar on the beach)
      • Falasarna (amazing sunset, very sunny, with beach bars)
      • Paleochora (it is a less touristic village with long beaches with blue-deep see)
      • Paralia Menies (Elena: "I have never been here, but I will try to go on Saturday 14 ... there should be boats going there departing from Agia Marina")


See you on Sunday 8 of September: registration (17:30--20:00) and Welcome Reception (19:15--22:00) at the Chania Sailing Club Neorio Moro!

Conference program is now available!

There will be a HONOM special issue on Computer and Fluids. Article submission will open in September 2024 for 4 months.

Abstract submission

Deadline: 18 of April 2024


Abstract must be submitted as .pdf file and as editable source file, using either this LaTeX template or this MS Word template.
Single page limit is mandatory. Margins cannot be modified.

Please e-mail the two files of your abstract to honom2024@inria.fr with the subject “HONOM 2024 Abstract - Name and Surname of the speaker".

In order to complete your submission, please provide the following information in the text of your email:

    1. Preference for presentation format: talk / poster / no preference
    2. Which author is expected to give the talk/present the poster?
      • Name:
      • Surname:
      • Email address:
      • Institution (complete name, city, country):
      • Short informative name for your institution to be written on the badge (MAX 28 characters):
    3. Please fill the same information for any other co-author you would like to be added to the honom mailing list or you expect to participate in the conference.

Review process

The received abstracts will undergo a review process carried out by the members of the scientific and organizing committee. Each abstract can be either accepted for an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or rejected.

Notification of acceptance will be sent in June 2024.

Grants for young researchers

The organizing and the scientific committees are glad to offer some grants for talented young researchers!

Application deadline: 18 of April 2024

Grants description

There will be 6 grants to exempt the researchers from the payment of the registration fee; 2 of them will also include a 600 euro reimbursement of travel and/or accommodation expenses.

Who can apply?

The grants are available for PhD students and for young researchers that have obtained their PhD degree after the 1st of September 2020.

How to apply?

To apply, send an email to honom2024@inria.fr with subject “HONOM 2024 Grants - Name and Surname of the applicant" with attached the following documents:

    • a certificate of your enrollment in a PhD school or your PhD certificate,
    • a complete CV,
    • a motivation letter,
    • and a reccomandation letter.


Registration deadline: 25 of July 2024

Registration fee: 315,00 euro per person (VAT included).

Registration fee includes the attendance fee, the conference program booklet and some gadgets.
It also includes:
- coffee breaks,
- the welcome reception (expected on Sunday 08/09/2024),
- the poster party (expected on Tuesday 10/09/2024),
- and the social dinner (expected on Thursday 12/09/2024).

Remark: invited speakers and granted researchers do not have to pay any fee. They will have just to complete the registration form.

Registration procedure

  • If you have submitted an abstract, you should receive the registration information by mail together with the notification of acceptance.
    If you do not find it, just send an email to honom2024@inria.fr with the object "HONOM 2024 Registration - Name and Surname of the participant" and request it.
    By email, you receive a link to the payment platform where it is possible to pay by credit card or bank transfer. (The payment platform is provided by the ELKE service of the Technical University of Crete).

  • Otherwise, if you have not submitted an abstract,
    please send an email to honom2024@inria.fr with the object "HONOM 2024 Registration - Name and Surname of the participant"
    and provide all the following information in the text of the email:
    • Name:
    • Surname:
    • Email address:
    • Institution (complete name, city, country):
    • Short informative name for your institution to be written on the badge (MAX 28 characters):
    • Do you plan to come with an accompanying person?
    • Do you have any allergy/dietary restrictions?
    Once checked the above information, you will receive by email a link to the payment platform where it is possible to pay by credit card or bank transfer. (The payment platform is provided by the ELKE service of the Technical University of Crete).

Policy: cancellation, insurance & data.

Registration fees cannot be reimbursed.
In case of cancellation due to force majeure or extraordinary events, the refund policy will be decided on a case-by-case basis after the end of the conference.

The congress organizers cannot accept any liability for personal injuries sustained, or for loss or damage to properties belonging to congress participants (or their accompanying persons), either during, or as a result of, the congress. Registration or accommodation fees do not include insurance.

By filling out the abstract submission form and the registration forms, the participant agrees that the personal data provided will be stored and processed by the organizing committee for all purposes useful to the conference organization through the means considered the most appropriate by the committee itself.

By registering and paying the fees, the participant accepts all the above terms and conditions.

Keynote Invited Speakers

Paola F. Antonietti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Lourenco Beirao da Veiga (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Florent Renac (Onera, France)

Christian Rohde (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Matteo Semplice (University of Insubria, Italy)

Panagiotis Tsoutsanis (Cranfield University, United Kingdom)

Karen Veroy-Grepl (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)


Scientific committee:

Remi Abgrall (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Michael Dumbser (University of Trento, Italy)
Claus-Dieter Munz (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Eleuterio F. Toro (University of Trento, Italy)

International organizers:

Chair: Elena Gaburro (Inria Bordeaux, France)
Co-chair: Maria Kazolea (Inria Bordeaux, France)
Mario Ricchiuto (Inria Bordeaux, France)
Anne-Laure Gautier (Inria Bordeaux, France)

Local organizers:

Anargiros Delis (Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece)
Anastasios Sifalakis (Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece)


Contact Us
